Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack

Quick Tips for Backcountry Skiing with Your Dog

Backcountry skiing with our dogs is quite possibly the most fun activity we do with them…there is nothing better than seeing the dogs so stoked bounding through the snow, fulfilled and just loving life. But it’s also an activity that I personally have a lot of rules for. Safety is always the most important…safety of our dogs, ourselves, wildlife and other people and their dogs. So, here are some of the personal rules that I have for us and our dogs when skiing:

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Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack

Dog Training Daily Schedule Example

Here is a an example of a daily schedule for your dog. The times do not need to be the same every day, but can be used as a general guide.

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Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack

Tips for XC Skiing with Your Dog

XC Skiing is not only an amazing workout but it can be even more fun if you’re getting to ski with your dog! However, there is nothing worse than when you’re cruising along and your dog cuts in front of you or steps on your ski and next thing you know, you’re on the ground! Not fun. So here are a few tips to set you and your dog up for success to ski together safely

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Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack

Tips for Biking with Your Dog

As with every activity with our dogs on trail, there comes a responsibility to bike safely and responsibility, not only for our dogs but for us and others on the trail. I’m of course a big fan of biking with dogs, but I’m an even bigger fan of doing it SAFELY.

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Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack

How to Have a Successful Walk. Hint: It starts in the house!

The overall theme to remember is that the walk starts before you leave the house. If your dog is bursting with energy on the walk, observe how they are IN the house before you leave. Are they bouncing off the walls with excitement? If so, what is causing that excitement? Are you getting them pumped up by asking them if they want to go on a walk and bringing excited energy to your dog?

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Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack


Hiking with your dog can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling activities for dogs. It can fulfill their natural need for physical exercise, mental stimulation, exploration and increase the bond between you and your dog! Here are a few tips that can help set your hike up for success!

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Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack

How to Successfully Socialize and Introduce Dogs

There is a common misconception that in order for dog’s to “meet” or socialize, they need to meet nose to nose, have physical interaction right away or even play. That simply is just not true.

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Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack Molly - Pete's Adventure Pack

Becoming a Mountain Guide for Your Dog

THIS is the relationship that we should have with our dogs. We are their mountain guides in life and on the trail. Our dogs don’t magically understand our trail rules that we’ve set in place in our human world. It is our role as their partner to educate, guide and keep them safe while we are out adventuring together.

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