Tips for XC Skiing with Your Dog

XC Skiing is not only an amazing workout but it can be even more fun if you’re getting to ski with your dog! However, there is nothing worse than when you’re cruising along and your dog cuts in front of you or steps on your ski and next thing you know, you’re on the ground! Not fun. So here are a few tips to set you and your dog up for success to ski together safely:

  1. The Safe Spot: Practice walking with your dog on leash and having them follow at your hip or behind you. This is what we call the “safe spot”. When your dog is in the safe spot, they can see you and follow you so you are operating as one unit (and keep away from your skis) and it allows you to advocate for your dog’s space from other dogs, people, or other obstacles on trail. 

  2. When you’ve gotten you and your dog to a place where they are walking at your hip or behind you (in the safe spot), then you can start to add in skis! Plot twist…you won’t actually be skiing, you’ll just be walking/waddling with your skis on! I recommend going to a flat, wide area (like Round Valley) to practice. You’ll have your skis on, your dog on leash next to you (in the safe spot), behind your skis and you’ll simply just walk (or waddle) with your skis on. Every time your dog tries to pass, stop, guide them back into the safe spot. Then continue on. Feel free to use food as a reward here, but also remember that movement forward is a reward in itself.

  3. Remember that these first few sessions are about getting you and your dog dialed and in sync together…the purpose is for training, not for going out and having a perfect, long ski together. 

  4. When you and your dog are to a point where the training ski sessions are going smoothly, your dog has reliable recall and you’ve prepared for off leash, you can transition to off leash skiing. Again, your dog will be running in the safe spot, next to or behind our hip, the same way they were on leash. Do some practice sessions off leash, the same way you did on leash. 

A few safety and etiquette reminders:

  • Always carry a first aid kit with you! 

  • When skate skiing with dogs, I always yield and step to the side for other skiers, hikers, etc. 

  • Make sure your dog stays away from the classic ski track. 

  • Always follow local trail guidelines, leash laws and practice leave no trace principles. 

  • Reliable recall is a MUST for safety purposes - not only for your dog, you, others and wildlife. 

For detailed how to and step by step, check out the Adventure Dog Channel Membership at!


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