Adventure Dog Channel Online Membership

A series of pre-recorded, go at your own pace, available-from-anywhere lessons to help you and your dog learn all of the basics, work through behavioral issues and live a life of fulfillment. Only $36 a month & cancel any time.



A 2 Day Mountain Bike Clinic For You AND Your Dog

Park City, Utah


Hosted by:

Molly Avrin, Dog Trainer & Erica Tingey, Mountain Bike Coach

Training Services


1:1 Sessions are great for a wide variety of needs from tackling the basics to fine tuning your relationship with your dog

  • Who: You, your dog & Molly will work together during the session

  • What:

    • Pre-session call: We'll have a quick phone call prior to training so that I can best understand what we need to tackle in our session, pick the best meeting location and make the most of our time together.

    • During session: We'll spend 1-2 hours working together with you and your dog. Depending on the dog and our goals, sessions can look very different for each person (for some, we may be working through the basics of walking on a leash - all the way to working on off-leash recall or how to help your dog feel safe and secure when encountering other dogs)

    • Post session: Each session will be followed up with a 101 overview & a review of our focus areas. For all of my clients, I am available via text/email/phone call for questions that may pop up during training.

  • FAQ: How many sessions should we sign up for? - This truly depends on you, your dog and the goals. In our initial phone call, we’ll talk through all of this and create a plan that sets everyone up for success.


(Additional $25 per session if meeting location is over 20 miles away)


Learn how to bike / ski / hike / climb with your dog!

Adventure Dog sessions are the right fit if you and your dog have a solid foundation and know all of the basics of loose leash walking, etc. but you’re looking to expand your relationship and learn how to do fulfilling outdoor activities together safely!

Who: Sessions will include you, your dog & Molly working together to teach you both how to adventure safely together!


  • Pre session phone call: This call will help determine our goals and where we need to focus our time to make the most of our sessions! We’ll also use this time for planning how many sessions, location, gear, etc.

  • During session: Each session will last 1-2 hours and focus on the relationship with our dogs, their needs and the necessary steps to getting you both out on the trails safely! Some sessions may be in a park, parking lot or even on trail. It depends on what is needed for each specific session.

ACTIVITY OPTIONS: Biking, Skiing (backcountry and skate skiing), Hiking, Climbing, Joring sports (bikejoring, skijoring, and canicross), prep for camping




  • During: I will work with your dog Mon-Fri, generally from 9a-5p but we can be flexible with your schedule. Throughout the day, I will be working on and off with your dog…have a session, then they rest in the crate and repeating this pattern throughout the day. It depends on the dog, what we are working on etc. for how many sessions we will do in a day (but this is something we will discuss together). At the end of each day, we will do a mini go home session (around 30 min) to talk through everything we worked on for the day, progress and your focus for the evening with your dog. On Friday at the end of the day, we will do a full 1:1 session and your dog will go home with you for the weekend to work on our focus areas. This not only ensures that you are a part of the process but also helps us to take each week step by step with our areas of focus. Depending on what is needed, the drop off program can be 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or more (this is also something we will decide on together). For drop off / pick up, your dog will need to be dropped off and picked up in Park City. If you are in Salt Lake City and need me to meet you half way, it is an additional $30 per day.

    • Who: Your dog

    • Where: Mon-Fri (9a-5pm roughly): your dog will be with me either at my house, parks, on trail, etc. ; Evenings and weekends: Your dog will be with you!

    • Communication: We will be in communication via text during the drop off program - as well as videos for you to reference back on throughout the training

  • Post: At the end of the drop off program, we will have a 1-2 hour session to review everything we worked on during the program & go through homework & the work that must continue post drop off. It’s important to note that the success of this drop off program relies not only on the work that I put in but the work that YOU put in.

    • Who: You and your dog

    • Where: My home or public area depending on needs

    • As with all training services, I will follow up with necessary training videos & am available via text/call/email for any questions.

Board & Trains are also available on a case by case basis!

The drop off program is like a board and train but without the boarding part! Your dog essential goes to “school” roughly 8a-5pm! It is an immersive program for those that are wanting to build a stronger relationship with their dog and work through areas that may be overwhelming to tackle on your own. OR you may be wanting to get your dog jump started on adventure activities (like skiing or biking). Board and Trains are also available on a case by case basis.


(Additional $30 per day if we are meeting in Salt Lake City for pick up/drop off)


Virtual Sessions are for those who have a good foundation and are now wanting to work through specifics (example: fine tuning place work, work on your dog waiting at thresholds, learning to bike with your dog or even canicross) but you aren’t able to meet in person.


  • Pre: Optional to send Molly videos of your dog that will be helpful to guide our session (example: if you are wanting to work on thresholds, send a video of what your dog currently looks like going through a doorway)

  • During: We will meet via FaceTime or Google Meet (whichever you prefer) and set up phone / computer in an area where we can do some real time work. Molly will demo as necessary (example: if working on biking, she will set up her camera to where she can demo how to teach your dog how to bike) and then you will do the same to put it into practice and work through it together.

  • Post:

    • Molly will follow up with any necessary training videos to use as reference

Virtual training is not right for everyone/everything. Please use the contact form to set up a free consultation and see if a Virtual 1:1 Training session is the right fit.

$125 per session

Member pricing: $100 per session


Adventure Camp is where your dog joins Pete’s Adventure Pack for the day and gets a day of fulfillment through outdoor adventure activities (hike, bike, ski, pulling sports, etc) and work on maintaining training like off leash skills, proper socialization skills, place, crate, etc.


  • Camp is offered on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. It is a weekly commitment, meaning that if your dog is a Tuesday camper, they come every Tuesday. The consistent camp schedule keeps off leash skills dialed and the pack dynamic smooth!

  • Pick up is in the morning at a designated bus stop and your dog will have a designated spot in a crash proof Rock Creek Crate inside our temperature controlled van! We will then start our day with a fulfilment activity. It depends on the season of course, but activities may include are hiking, biking, skiing, pulling sports (like bikejoring) etc! Within the camp day, we practice off leash skills (including recall, moving in the safe spot,), place, yes work and more! Your dog is then dropped off in the evening at the same spot as pickup.

  • Who is camp for? Camp is for existing training clients who are wanting their dog to get some extra fulfillment, socialization with other dogs and training maintenance! Dogs of all sizes and breeds are welcome!

  • Our permanent camp list is currently FULL! If you are an existing training client and camp is something you’re interested in, we can chat and see if its a good fit! If so, we can add you to the cancellation and waitlist.

$65 bus stop pickup / $80 home pickup


A full day train session will consist of Molly working with your dog from 9am-3pm, followed by a 1:1 session that evening with you and your dog.

Day trains are a more intensive option for Molly to learn more about your dog and jump start the training journey.

  • Who: Full day train with just your dog & Molly (roughly 8a-4pm) and a 1 hour private session upon pickup/drop off with you & your dog

  • What:

    • Pre-session: We'll have a quick phone call prior to training so that I can best understand what we need to tackle in our session, pick the best meeting location and make the most of our time together.

    • During session: Day sessions last from 9am-3pm with Molly & your dog; Followed up by a private session that afternoon/evening with you & your dog

    • Post session: Follow up with a 101 overview & a review of our focus areas.

      • Molly is also always available via text/phone/email as questions come up!


pickup/drop off - additional $25


Boarding is offered separately through Pete’s Adventure Pack assistant trainers and open to existing clients only.

If you are an existing client and interested in boarding, please reach out to Molly directly via email and she will connect you with her assistant training for boarding.