Quick Tips for Backcountry Skiing with Your Dog

Backcountry skiing with our dogs is quite possibly the most fun activity we do with them…there is nothing better than seeing the dogs so stoked bounding through the snow, fulfilled and just loving life. But it’s also an activity that I personally have a lot of rules for. Safety is always the most important…safety of our dogs, ourselves, wildlife and other people and their dogs. So, here are some of the personal rules that I have for us and our dogs when skiing:

1. We ALWAYS have a dog first aid kit with us. Accidents can happen and it is always better to be prepared.
2. Because of avalanche safety…we only ski low angle, low risk slopes under 30 degrees in pitch and will never put our dogs at risk in avalanche terrain. Regardless, we always check snow condition reports before heading out (with a resource like Utah Avalanche Center)
3. On the way up and skiing down, the dogs follow at our hip or behind us…never in front. Why? Safety. First, it would be incredibly dangerous for the dogs to be zooming around in front of us while skiing down. Second, having the dogs follow us puts them into pack drive, they check in with us and they’re able to watch where we’re going. If we come across wildlife, people or dogs, we’re able to stop, get the dogs next to us quickly or pass by with the dogs following nicely behind us and not disturbing the peace.
4. Impeccable recall is a must. Again…safety. We saw a moose close by while skiing yesterday and the last thing I want our dogs doing is chasing a moose. So we do a lot of recall training with our dogs and especially recall in stimulating environments
5. We always pay attention to where the dogs are on the way down and wait for them if they’re further back. They absolutely need to be in eyesight.
6. HAVE FUN! 🤗


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